6 Ways to Recharge After a Long Day As A Mom

As a mom, your day never ends. You have to be mindful of your child’s needs as well as yours. It can be draining and exhausting trying to meet everyone’s needs. If you are like me, you may have been feeling run down lately. Have you checked your phone at least 50 times today? Or, maybe you just need some time for yourself to recharge and refresh before tomorrow’s onslaught begins again. Luckily, there are many ways you can re-energize after a long day as a mom without feeling like you need an entire holiday. 

Sleep is vital

Sleep is super important for many reasons. It not only recharges your body, but it can also help to improve your mood and concentration. If you have been feeling exhausted or down, sleep is the best thing you can do for yourself to re-energize and feel better. If you are feeling a bit low after a long day, don’t be afraid to take a nap, or try to sleep in for a little bit. I promise it will make you feel so much better! 

Take a shower/bath

Bathtime is a great way to relax and unwind. It can also help to reduce stress and help with anxiety. While you are in the tub or shower, don’t forget to listen to your favorite song or audiobook. It is also a good time to journal or write down any thoughts you have been having lately. It is also a good time to clean up your space and de-stress by throwing away any stuff that you haven’t looked at in a while. Not only will it help you to feel more organized, but it will also be good for your mental health.

Eat a good meal

A good meal does not have to be from a five-star restaurant. It can be a sandwich or a bowl of cereal for breakfast or a simple snack. Eat something that is high in protein as it helps to build and repair muscles. It is also important to consume a lot of water with your meal as this helps to rehydrate you. Feeling hungry all day can lead to low cortisol levels, which can make you feel sad, angry, and anxious. If you have been feeling low, try to avoid snacks and sugary drinks as they hold very little nutritional value and will just fill you up temporarily.

Exercise – even just walking 

Find a quiet space where you can be alone and take some deep breaths. Try to relax your muscles and find a calm place within yourself. It is important to exercise during the day when you are not feeling too low as this can increase your metabolism and burn more calories. It is also a good way to relieve stress and ward off depression. Exercising during the day can be therapeutic, so try to find something that you can do that doesn’t require too much thinking. If you have been feeling low, find an activity that doesn’t require too much thinking, such as walking or pilates. 

Talk to your friends and family

It can be comforting to talk to someone when you have been feeling a bit low. Try to limit the amount of time you spend talking, just 15-20 minutes at a time. It is important to pace yourself as talking to people that we love can be really taxing on our mental health. If you have been feeling low and want to recharge, try to talk to your friends and family during times of low intensity as this can help to relieve stress. You could have this chat with loved ones at home, or even in coffee shops in California. A change of location may even do you some good as it will take you out of the family home entirely. 

Stay connected with other moms

Find a new online community that you can join. This can be a supportive online forum where you can share experiences, ask questions, and receive support from other women. It is also a good idea to try to look up new hashtags related to parenting. These can be really helpful to relieve stress and re-energize you. If you have been feeling low, it is important to try to stay connected with other moms. This can be extremely helpful to recharge your mental batteries and relieve stress. Find a new online community that you can join. This can be a supportive online forum where you can share experiences, ask questions, and receive support from other women. It is also a good idea to try to look up new hashtags related to parenting. 

These are just a few ways to re-energize after a long day as a mom without feeling like you need an entire holiday. There are also many other ways you can recharge your mental batteries, such as journaling, meditation, reading, and spending time with friends or family. These are just a few ways to re-energize after a long day as a mum without feeling like you need an entire holiday. There are also many other ways you can recharge your mental batteries, such as journaling, meditation, reading, and spending time with friends or family. 


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