Screen-Free Ways to Play with Your Kids (At Home)

We are a tech-limited household (I will get more into that in another post) so it has been quite interesting during quarantine to keep our 5 year old entertained!

Here are a few of our favorite tech-free ways to play with our kiddo:

Build a Fort: This is a super fun idea and can keep your kiddos entertained for hours. It also lets them get creative!

Read books: Not just for bedtime!

Play dough: Let them get wild!

Play Restaurants: Our kiddo loves this, it is so sweet to let them get creative and build a menu/plate of pretend food for you.

Bubble Bath: Our kiddo can spend hours in the bubbles if we let him! We also added some fun sensory lights (below) to his baths to keep him entertained.

Holiday Bath — Glo Pals

Do some chores: Okay, it doesn’t seem that fun but put on some music and have a dance party while you clean.

Play a board game: Our kiddo loves board games, this is something you can do all together also. Right now we are loving gator golf.

At home scavenger hunt

Indoor obstacle course

Handprint crafts: We started this when we created handprint dinosaurs for his dino bedroom, such a fun way to get creative and messy!

Bake and decorate cookies: one of our favorite activities to do together!

What are your favorite ways to play with your kiddos?

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