Working From Home Tips

Are you working from home? I am and I cannot stop snacking! Working from home can be an adjustment but I feel like I am getting into a routine now.

Here is what has worked for me:

Get up and get ready! I get up, take a shower and make my coffee before sitting down to start working. Most days I do still put on my mascara, I feel like this way I am more ready to slay the day.

Dedicated work space. No laptop in bed… I do not have a desk or an office so I set up my work space at the kitchen table where there is enough space to still have dinner and do coloring activities with our kiddo!

Take breaks! I have caught myself working in the same spot at lunchtime… I have since put a lunch reminder on my calendar.

Get moving! Everyday I do a quick workout routine at home and go on a walk.

Be patient with your family (especially your kids) if you saw my Instagram story the other day you know I am working from home with my 5 year old (every other week) and it has been… fun! haha be patient, it is not ideal for anyone right now, don’t be too hard on yourself or your family.

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