Fizzy New Years Sensory Bin
This quick and easy fizzy sensory bin is perfect to do with your littles for New Year’s!
- Container, plastic flutes, or large New Year’s hat (this is what we used, makes it a little extra fun!)
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- 2024 confetti
- Star or colorful confetti

How to
In the container that you choose to use, add a bunch of baking soda. I honestly don’t ever measure this out. Just make sure to not add a little bit. The more you add the more of a reaction (fizz) it will cause.
This is a messy activity. Make sure to do this in a place you don’t mind getting messy if it spills onto the floor. I typically do this activity in a container outside.

Add the confetti inside the baking soda. We used 2024 confetti and star confettiti! We loved seeing all the different colors bubble up.
Once you are ready, start pouring the vinegar in!
It will start to fizz. The more vinegar you pour in, the more fizz you’ll get.