Easter Basket Ideas for Babies, Toddlers & Big Kids!
Easter is right around the corner. I cannot believe we are almost in April already! I absolutely love making my kiddos gift baskets for the major holidays but I don’t like giving them things they don’t need or won’t use so here are my top picks for a FUNctional Easter basket for babies, toddlers, and big kids.
For Babies:
- Swimsuit (or colorful swim diapers)
- Board books
- Bath toys
- Mesh feeder
- Bib
- Onesie

For Toddlers
- Swimsuit
- Sunglasses
- Bubbles
- Playdough
- Duplo blocks or Little People
- Books

For Big Kids
- Kids cooking tools
- Comic books
- Water shoes
- Chocolate candies
- Water soakers