You’ve Got A Friend Who’s THREE – Toy Story Birthday Party

I cannot believe we have a THREE-year-old! This theme was perfect for our little Toy Story-loving little boy and was easy to put together too!

As always, most of the decorations were found on Amazon (you can find them all here) and the print materials were a mix of Etsy and custom-made by me on Canva and I have added them to my shop for you to edit and enjoy!

For the entryway, I created a “Reign’s Room” graphic in Canva and laminated some custom Woody Boot prints to stick to the ground going toward to door. Saved some Amazon Boxes, stacked them up to look like Sunnyside toy donation boxes, and added some themed balloons.

I had a custom “Reign Story 3” graphic made and printed on sticker paper so I could create the custom backdrop, added some balloons around it, and made the table look like a toy box by writing “sunnyside” on a brown tablecloth. I used his Toy Story toys for table decoration along with a Disney Parks Woody Boot I found on eBay!

We kept the food and treats very simple as it was a small, intimate gathering. We ordered some pizza, and added a Pizza Planet sign (yay for easy food theming!), I made a pasta salad, some green alien Jello cups, and Twizzlers and as always the main dessert was amazing custom cookies from Drea’s Petite Sweets.

For games, we had a fun sticky ball carnival-type game, pin the tail on Bullseye and Forky Craft kits. We also had our bounce house out which was a huge hit!

shop all party materials below

  • Custom Cookies – Drea’s Petite Sweets
  • Buzz Lightyear Lasers – Twizzlers
  • Mr. Potato Head Chips – Potato Chips
  • “OOOOOO” Jello – Green Jello Cups with Candy Eyes
  • Pizza Planet Pizza – Get the label here
  • Forky Fruit Kebabs – See the Recipe here
  • Slinky’s Pasta Salad – My favorite pasta salad recipe!

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