Woah, we’re halfway there (20 Week Pregnancy Update)

How are you feeling?
We are doing well! The first trimester was easy breezy and I am blessed to say that the second trimester continues that trend, we are both as healthy as can be! Baby boy has been so good to me and I am very thankful for that!
I’m finding it a little harder than usual to get off the couch – partially because I am very tired and partially because my belly’s getting bigger!
I have been having some back pain, I managed to get some comfy pillows to help while I am at work, and my pregnancy pillow is helping in bed and while I am on the couch.
Do you have any pregnancy cravings?
Not as much as I did in the first trimester but I definitely have a worse sweet tooth than usual! I never drank soda before I was pregnant but I have been craving coke like crazy! Sour candies are also a huge craving. I wish I could say I had some weird and wacky cravings but I really haven’t.
Have you felt the baby move?
Yes! I first felt him at around 16 weeks, he is VERY active. I mostly feel him when I lay down in bed for the night. Greg felt him kick for the first time last week! (19 weeks) It is so exciting, and kind of weird at the same time but it feels like reassurance that baby’s doing okay in there between my appointments. I love feeling him move but I have a feeling I may not love it as much if he remains this active when he is bigger and the kicks become a little stronger and painful, haha!
Do you have names picked out?
Yes! But we are not sharing until he is here! 😉 Greg and I have had names picked out together from when we first got together and were planning and daydreaming about our future together and we have stuck with those names so it was very easy!
Have you bought a bunch of baby stuff?
Nope! We are in the process of moving house (I know, we are crazy, right?) We do have a few clothes and my mom and dad have bought him some things already but other than that we are going to wait until we can set up his nursery in our new home!
Does being pregnant feel weird?
The weirdest thing about my pregnancy is that until just recently when I started to feel him and when you could start to see my bump, I sometimes forgot I was pregnant because everything was going so smooth! (hello, blessings!)
It still feels so surreal to know that I am growing a tiny human right now! I am very excited to see my bump form into a baby bump and it no longer just looks like I had an extra large helping of brownies!! But it is all so very exciting!