We’ve Been Keeping a Secret!
We’ve got a little (okay…a BIG) secret to share with you…we’re having a BABY!

On May 10th (Mother’s Day – coincidentally!), our lives changed forever when we found out some very exciting (and surprising!) news. To say the last few months have been an emotional roller coaster would be an understatement haha – I have never been so happy/excited/nervous (insert all the feelings) in my entire life to know that Greg and I are creating a tiny human together.
As of this week, I am almost 14 weeks along and our little peanut is the size of a lemon! You may have noticed the lace of wine on my Instagram feed and stories 😉
It feels so good to finally share this giant secret with you!! It’s been really sweet to relish in this special time with Greg, family and friends but I was getting antsy to shout this from the rooftops with excitement!
Jiaire is very excited to become a big brother, he has been asking us for a brother or sister for a while now so he finally got his wish!

We’re ready for our whole world to change in January 2021!
I’ll share a first trimester update next week, so stay tuned for that one 😉