The Old Wive’s Tales – Testing Baby’s Gender
This weekend we find out the gender of baby Hunter! We have had lots of fun guessing, here are some of the results of the old wives tales for predicting gender.
Disclaimer: these are light-hearted old wive’s tales and do not replace accurate medical gender testing.

Ring test – Girl
I used my engagement ring for this and had lots of fun with it… they say that if the rings swings back and forth you’re having a boy, and if it moves round in a circular motion you’re having a girl.
Chinese Gender Calendar – Inconclusive

I have taken a couple of these and I get a different result each time.
This one says girl….
Nub Theory – Inconclusive
I couldn’t really see a nub on any of our early scans, our baby was SUPER active and always upside down or had their back to us so we had no way to tell if it was pointing up or down.
Heart rate – Girl
The heart rate has remained at a consistency between 150 and 156 bpm. Could it be a little girl?
Cravings – Girl
The theory is that if you’re experiencing savory/salty cravings then you’re having a boy. And if you’re having sweet/sugary cravings then you’re expecting a girl.
I have had sweet cravings since day one.
Moody vs. Mellow – Girl
Allegedly if you’re moodier during your pregnancy you’re said to be carrying a baby girl, and if you’re more laid back it’s a boy.
I have been really struggling with my mood swings so far (which also means Greg has too), so this test would point firmly towards a baby girl.
Pregnancy Glow – Girl
My skin has been unusually bad since the second trimester which supposedly points to a baby girl. Boys are supposedly responsible for that pregnancy glow, and girls are said to steal their mother’s beauty.
Morning sickness or lack thereof – Boy
I have been lucky enough to have NO morning sickness which points to a baby boy.
Carrying high v Carrying low – Girl
It is hard to tell right now since I don’t really have a big bump but I am carrying high and narrow right now.
Allegedly you carry high for a girl and low for a boy. When I get a little bigger I will be able to tell if my bump is wide (girl) vs. narrow (boy).
Ramzi Method – Girl
Transvaginal: left = girl, right = boy Abdominal: right = girl, left = boy
My placenta and baby favored the left side of the uterus which suggests a baby girl. I struggled trying to figure this one out but my doctor did tell me this information and helped me out with it. This one has a 97% chance of being correct apparently so if I figured it out correctly, it points to a baby girl!
Skull Theory – Girl
Girl’s skulls are apparently more rounded and slightly tapered at the top, boys are allegedly more block like.
Our baby’s skull has always appeared more rounded to me. What do you think?

Baking soda test – Girl
Fizzes = boy Flat = girl
The old wives tale dictates that when you mix a small amount of urine with baking soda you can tell if you’re having a boy or a girl.
Urine color – Girl
They say if your urine is darker and brighter you’re carrying a boy, if it’s lighter and dull or cloudy it’s a girl. I will spare you the picture but mine points to a girl.
Headaches – Boy
Headaches can be a sign that you’re carrying a little boy as the increased testosterone is said to be responsible. I have had trouble with headaches my whole life but I have had a few while pregnant.
Pupil Dilation – Girl
So they say if look into a mirror for one minute and carefully watch your pupils and they dilate you’re said to be pregnant with a boy.
The Mayan Calendar – Boy
Similar to the Chinese calendar this uses the mothers age and month of conception. If both are even or odd the baby is said to be a girl. If one is even and the other is odd then it could be a baby boy.

Gender Prediction Scores:
Girl – 11
Boy – 3
Inconclusive – 2
Check back next week to see if these predictions were correct!