First Trimester – Pregnancy Favorites
For many the first trimester of pregnancy can be a really tough time. I feel like I was pretty lucky and had a smooth ride (you’ll see that there are no anti-nausea remedies on my list), but that’s not to say that there haven’t been key items that have made my first trimester a lot easier!
These are my first trimester pregnancy favorites. The things that I swear by and the pieces that kept me sane and stress-free in my first three months:

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Loungewear/ Comfy PJs
I was soooooo tired during my first trimester, if I wasn’t working, I was most definitely sleeping! I lived in my comfy loungewear and soft PJ’s
Insulated Tumbler
I had raging thirst during the first trimester so this insulated tumbler really helped keep my water cool all day (not a room-temp water kinda girl)
Prenatal Vitamins (with DHA)
I switched to these after the first few weeks. These were easy to take and had no side effects.
Ovia App
There are so many apps but this one is my fave! I love the layout, the way you can calendar your appointments and track the progress of your growing babe.
Bio Oil and Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion
Now, I know stretch marks really come down to genetics but I started my skin routine early on to keep my skin soft and hydrated. I switched my regular daily Vitamin E lotion for these two products. Massage lotion every morning and bio oil every night.
Decaf (British) Teabags
Listen, I am British… we drink tea like it is going out of style. The thought of having to give up my daily tea was too painful so I kept my caffeine in my morning coffee (doc said it is ok) and opted for DECAF afternoon tea. I generally went for PG Tips but in the USA supply is limited so I take whatever I can find.
What to Expect When you’re Expecting
Although my lovely fiance told me not to google anything to freak myself out, I did buy this book and it breaks down pregnancy month by moth and what to expect.
I mean… I spent a lot of time in bed, tired so this kept me occupied.
Did you have any favorites that you swore by in your first trimester?